Wednesday, January 20, 2010

How to Build Your Own Country

Written by Valerie Wyatt
Illustrated by Fred Rix
Most enjoyed by 4th through 8th graders

Wouldn't it be awesome to be king or queen of your own country? You declare the eating of spinach be against the law or allow playing games on your Nintendo DS to count as homework. But how would your country make any money? And what would your national anthem be?

Take my advice - check out 'How to Build Your Own Country' and you'll find out all the answers to those questions and more. With colorful, eye-catching illustrations, 'How to Build Your Own Country' is a civics lesson on nation building. It gives very practical and understandable advice on how a nation goes about developing itself, from creating it's own flag and motto to how it populates itself, governs itself, and attracts businesses. With real examples, such as the Principality of Sealand (which I had never heard of and had to research), 'How to Build Your Own Country' is a great read even if you have no plans to start your own country!

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