Friday, November 21, 2008

The Secret of Saying Thanks

Written by Douglas Wood
Illustrated by Greg Shed
Most enjoyed by thankful readers of all ages

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. What are you thankful for? Sometimes, with the gloomy stories we hear on news reports or read in the paper, it's hard to remember that we have so much and are so blessed. 'The Secret of Saying Thanks' is a wonderful reminder of what we have to be thankful for. We don't always count a clear blue sky as a blessing, or the quiet of the woods. What about our reflection in a still pond or the sunset on a fall day? Reading this book will trigger more ideas of things to be thankful for. You'll realize that the things we have to be thankful for the most are the things that cost us the least or are free. The illustrations are beautiful, well worth savoring before turning the page. My favorite part of the whole book is the last two-page spread showing a family holding hands. The words sum up the book and Thanksgiving so well-

"We don't give thanks because we're happy.
We are happy because we give thanks.'

Very true words indeed.

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